
Blue Ocean Sprint Online Course


blue ocean sprint online course

Develop your strategic thinking skills to create new demand and growth for your organization.

blue ocean sprint online course

Develop a strategic thinking mindset to overcome business challenges.

Executives and managers around the world are bracing for new challenges ahead. If you’re one of them, you’re probably wondering whether the strategic approaches that proved to be successful in the past will still apply to changed business realities in a post-pandemic world. 

What’s stopping you from seeing new opportunities? Chances are you’re not having the right strategic thinking mindset and lack the tools and frameworks to systematically create new demand and growth for your organization.

Would you like to start seeing new business opportunities where others see only declining profits and slow growth? Then read on to learn how blue ocean strategy and its flagship strategic thinking course can help you.

Training yourself and your team in strategic thinking is the first step to uncovering new opportunities where before only constraints were visible.

Why you need strategic thinking training now

In the immediate aftermath of the pandemic, companies will face a heightened degree of competition as customer demand is depressed due to a reduction in income, persistent unemployment, and looming uncertainties. More than ever, firms need to create blue oceans of new demand to generate revenue, profit, and new growth. They need strategic thinking training to prepare themselves for the changing realities.

Develop your strategic thinking with our concept videos.

Is this strategic thinking course right for you? Does it resonate with you?

 “I know we need to do things differently.  Margins are under pressure.  Growth is slow. And there are new competitors on the horizon.  If we don’t do something differently, we may need to start letting people go.”

“I’m in an overly saturated industry that doesn’t allow for high-profit margins. We mainly compete on price and the competition is fierce!”

“I struggle to attract new clients and create new demand for my products and services”

“I can’t come up with creative ideas that would differentiate us from the competition. I don’t know how to stop our customers from moving over to our rivals.”

“I don’t have the right strategy to sell my services. I need guidance and a process to follow.”


If you’re like many who turned to our strategic thinking course, you know you need to do things differently. But do you know how?

Learn how to strengthen your strategic thinking skills and develop a sustainable strategy for your organization with our strategic thinking course.

Review what you’ve learned with our key learning points.

How to train yourself in strategic thinking

Many of us have been taught to believe that in business, success and prosperity come by edging the competition out, fighting for competitive advantage, battling it out for market share.

But is this really the way to create strong profitable growth?  Especially in today’s overcrowded industries?

In the over-4-million-copy global bestselling book Blue Ocean Strategy and the indispensable follow-up, Blue Ocean Shift, Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne found the answer to be a flat-out no. They liken the cutthroat competition most firms face to a red ocean of rivals fighting over an ever-shrinking profit pool.

Your strategy should not be a hodgepodge of initiatives that individually make sense but collectively fail to produce a clear vision. Rather, it should be an alignment of the three strategy propositions: value proposition, profit proposition, and people proposition.

For any strategy to be successful and sustainable, an organization must develop an offering that attracts buyers (the value proposition); it must create a business model that enables the company to make money out of its offering (profit proposition); and it must motivate the people working for or with the company to execute the strategy (people proposition).

The three strategy propositions provide a framework to ensure an organization is taking a holistic approach to the formulation and execution of strategy. Our course focuses on how to train you in strategic thinking so that you can align all propositions to create a cohesive, sustainable, and high-growth strategy.

So how do you train yourself and your team in strategic thinking? One of the ways to learn strategic thinking or introduce strategic thinking training in your organization is to take the Blue Ocean Sprint online course. It’s the easiest and fastest way to have your team start to think strategically in a systematic way. It’s a self-directed, self-study business strategy online course.

We believe that, since you’re reading this, you’re ready to shift gears. You‘re ready to break out of cut-throat competition and you want the tools to do just that. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a CEO, a long-time business owner, a manager, a nonprofit founder or government official.

This introductory course to strategic thinking will allow you, in a risk-free environment, to understand blue ocean thinking and the related tools and frameworks.  Whether you’re just starting out, want to take your business to new heights, or start to shift your strategy, this course can help.

The course quizzes help check your understanding of blue ocean strategic thinking.

Introducing Blue Ocean Sprint – a strategic thinking course

Blue ocean strategy methodology, with its proven tools and frameworks, will help train you in strategic thinking, helping you generate new insights and creative ideas that will make an impact on your bottom line.

The 10 modules cover the fundamentals of blue ocean strategy – a world-renowned methodology for creating new markets and making the competition irrelevant. You’ll learn how to think differently, see new opportunities, and take your business on the path to new growth.

Designed for executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs like you, the course will give you the tools and processes to transform the status quo.  

It is a self-paced, self-study online course that comes with a certificate of completion upon successful completion of all modules.

The course features case study videos on blue ocean strategic thinking.

What makes Blue Ocean Sprint a powerful strategic thinking course?

It has a systematic process

This course will guide you through a systematic process to help you understand where you are today, how to create new demand by looking towards noncustomers, how to turn constraints into opportunities, or simply look at the problem from a new angle. Random brainstorming just doesn’t cut it. You need a systematic and repeatable process for new market creation.

It follows a proven methodology

Blue ocean methodology is grounded in research. It lays out what it takes to move into blue oceans of profitable growth and away from bloody competition and battles for market share. It shows how to lower your costs while simultaneously creating a leap in value for your customers. The proven analytical tools will guide you through the process of new market creation. The methodology, tools and frameworks of blue ocean strategy have been used by countless organizations around the world. Check out some of the examples of companies large and small that have created blue oceans of new market space by following a proven methodology. 

It will help you develop a common-language system in your organization

The course is a great way to introduce a common language system within a team and motivate your team to collectively arrive at blue ocean insights. By training your team in blue ocean strategic thinking, you’re creating a shared understanding among your team about where your company stands. Get a common baseline and clarity on the need for change.

The course analyses the strategic thinking of companies from a variety of industries.

The strategic thinking course to help you create blue oceans of new market space systematically

The course outline that will bring your strategic thinking skills to a new level:

Module 1: Blue Ocean Creativity

Module 2: Shifting to a Blue Ocean Perspective

Module 3: Visualizing Your Strategic Reality

Module 4: Discovering Hidden Pain Points

Module 5: Looking Beyond Existing Demand

Module 6: Reconstructing Market Boundaries – Part I

Module 7: Reconstructing Market Boundaries – Part II

Module 8: Developing Alternative Blue Ocean Moves

Module 9: Communicating Your Blue Ocean Move

Module 10: Make Your Blue Ocean Move

Your team training program in strategic thinking

Our course can be taken as part of a team training program to strengthen their strategic thinking skills. We’ve had many companies train their teams in business strategy.

Consider this team training scenario:

A company wants to instill strategic thinking in their organization and had 20 of their top and senior-level leadership go through the course. While each team member went through the course independently, they split the course into four weeks, assigning a couple of modules each week. At the end of each week, all of them gathered together to discuss the learning and insights they gained that can be immediately applied to their company.

The modules of our strategic thinking course, Blue Ocean Sprint, are structured in such a way that they start with an introduction to blue ocean concepts and tools which are then followed by short assessments and case studies to further understand and apply the acquired knowledge on practical examples. Each module has a corresponding module in the companion workbook. These are particularly useful for companies to do together. For example, Module 3 introduces the tool – Strategy Canvas. This tool is crucial to align the team around a common understanding of where your company is against your competitors. We encourage the team members to think through the key competing factors they want to plot on the strategy canvas before the meeting and then come to the meeting ready to share. This way the meetings are more effective. This also creates a collective buy-in and understanding in the company for the need to change.

A few pages from the strategic thinking course companion workbook

The strategic thinking course to move you beyond competing towards creating

The more you focus on benchmarking the competition and striving to beat rivals, the more your attention goes to the competition. And the more you look to the competition, the more the competition, not customers, sets your strategic agenda. The end result is often the exact opposite of your intention: you commoditize yourself and your industry. Your differentiation goes down as you match every move of your competitors.  And your cost structure goes up, anchoring you firmly in the red ocean.

Most executives around the world believe that knowing how to create is more important than competing. They know creating value and a profitable future for their companies is crucial, yet most of their time is spent on ‘managing today’ and battling with competitors for ever-shrinking pool of demand. While executives know how to compete in the existing market space, they don’t have the tools to help them create strong growth. The Blue Ocean Sprint, an online course centered on instilling strategic thinking in your organization, answers that challenge.

Join the growing numbers of executives, managers, and entrepreneurs around the world who are creating blue oceans of new market space.

“LOVED this course. No nonsense, 100% practical tools I can start implementing TODAY in my organisation!”

– Amalia Chatzimichali, Global Account Executive, Google

blue ocean sprint online course

The strategic thinking course to help you move up the career ladder.

blue ocean sprint online course

Learn more about how the Blue Ocean Sprint can help you and your team create the next game-changing strategy for your organization.