The Blue Ocean Awards competition recognizes entrepreneurial companies that have adopted a Blue Ocean approach.

Despite the challenges the global economy has faced due to the pandemic, the 2021 edition of Blue Ocean Awards, an annual event recognizing entrepreneurial companies that strive to create blue oceans, saw marked growth attracting more than 450 companies submitting their pitches and for the first time expanding internationally.
Since its founding in 2014 in Paris, France, the Blue Ocean Awards have expanded to Bordeaux and Lyon in France, and this year expanded to South Africa.
The Blue Ocean Awards were founded by the entrepreneur Alban Eral in collaboration with the French Ministry for the Economy and HEC Paris business school, and is supported by the roster of ever-growing sponsors from Michelin to Forbes France, Veolia, HEC Business School, MEDEF International, and many more.
To date, the Blue Ocean Awards tracking shows that the winners have experienced strong acceleration:
– Over 90% of Blue Ocean Awards winners were financed within 6 months of winning.
– Within 3 years after victory, winners’ valuations have increased on average tenfold and up to 40 times, according to the founder of Blue Ocean Awards, Alban Eral.
– Winners include Compte-Nickel, which won in 2015 and was bought in 2017 by BNP Paribas for €225 million, and Scality, a world leader in cloud storage, in which Hewlett-Packard Enterprise invested $10 million six months after it received its Blue Ocean Award.


Blue Ocean Awards 2021

Blue Ocean Awards 2020

Blue Ocean Awards 2019
If you’re an innovative blue ocean company, enter the Blue Ocean Awards next year. Visit the Blue Ocean Awards official website.

Official Website (in French)