

Blue ocean pedagogical materials, used in nearly 3,000 universities and in almost every country in the world, go beyond the standard case-based method. Our multimedia cases and interactive exercises are designed to help you build a deeper​ understanding of key blue ocean concepts, from blue ocean strategy to nondisruptive creation, developed by world-renowned professors Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. Currently, with over 20 Harvard bestselling cases.






A Maestro without Borders: How André Rieu Created the Classical Music Market for the Masses

Author(s): KIM, W. Chan, MAUBORGNE, Renée, JI, Mi

Case study trailer


For several decades, the classical music industry has been in decline with demand down, costs up and profits shrinking as many orchestras struggle for survival. Against this backdrop, André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra stand apart. Instead of competing like all the other orchestras, André Rieu has reconstructed market boundaries between classical music and pop concerts, creating a blue ocean of vast new demand. Rieu and his orchestra have stayed on the Billboard Top 25 Tours list for nearly 2 decades, right alongside the likes of Bruce Springsteen and Justin Bieber. His CDs and DVDs have sold more than 40 million copies versus 10,000 copies for a top classical music CD. This case reviews the competitive practice of the classical music industry and illustrates how Andre Rieu gained insight into unlocking new demand by looking to noncustomers of classical concerts, and how Rieu reconstructed industry boundaries and created new market space, making the competition irrelevant. The case comes with a teaching note that reviews major concepts and frameworks of competitive strategy and blue ocean strategy in the context of the case and provides answers to the questions for class discussions. Additional case material includes a lecture slide pack, and two short videos, which can be requested for teaching purposes below.

The case material is also available in Chinese and Korean.

Case Study

English: HBSP | Case Centre | INSEAD

Chinese: Case Centre | INSEAD

Korean: Case Centre | INSEAD

Teaching Note

HBSP | Case Centre | INSEAD


English, Chinese: Available to download for free in the Educators’ Space

Lecture Slides

English, Korean: Available to download for free in the Educators’ Space


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